
All children are expected to wear academy uniform at all times. Uniform can be purchased online from: https://www.sptuniforms.co.uk/
We will also host ‘Pop Up Shops’ as required throughout the academic year.

Please see below for our school uniform expectations:

Nursery to Year 5

Sweatshirt in royal blue (with or without a school logo)

Cardigan in royal blue (with or without a school logo)

White polo shirt (with or without a school logo)

Black/grey trousers/shorts

Black/grey skirt

Black/grey pinafore dress

Blue gingham dress

Plain black shoes/boots (no trainers)

Grey/black/white socks/tights

Reading bag

Water bottle

Year 6

Sweatshirt in royal blue (with or without a school logo)

Cardigan in royal blue (with or without a school logo)

White shirt or blouse

Black/grey trousers/shorts

Black/grey skirt

Tie (provided by the academy)

Plain black shoes/boots (no trainers)

Grey/black/white socks/tights

Reading bag

Water bottle

Please ensure during cold weather your child has an appropriate outdoor coat.

Please ensure during hot weather your child has a sun hat and sun cream (this should be in a named bottle).


Children will not be permitted to wear items of jewellery apart from small studded ear-rings. These must be removed on PE days.

Watches are allowed (smart watches will not be permitted).

PE / Gymnastics

Children will have a weekly P.E session with Mr Scott. Throughout the academic year, some children will have a Gymnastics lesson with Mrs Spencer.

All children from Year 1 to 6 will need a pair of black shorts, plain white T shirt and kit bag. Indoor PE is done in bare feet or school plimsolls.

For outdoor PE, children may wear black jogging bottoms and a long sleeved t-shirt or their school sweatshirt/cardigan.

Children must bring trainers to participate in outdoor PE – if they do not bring the correct footwear it may not be possible for them to participate.

Swimming – KS2 Children

Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit. This includes:

Swimming Costume (One Piece)

Swimming Trunks (No Board Shorts)


Your child may wear goggles if they wish. All goggle consent forms need returning before the first session.

If your child does not have an inhaler in school, they must bring one in a clear plastic bag for swimming.

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